Bacchus Marsh Street Names
Street names can provide markers, clues, and sometimes unresolved mysteries to the history of a community. Behind every street name is a story of a person, a family, an event, or an architectural or geographic feature. There are over 290 streets, roads, crescents, courts, etc in Bacchus Marsh.
Below we have listed some explanations for the origins of the names. Where the origin is not clear the explanations are offered as speculation or educated deduction. We have used local history books, postal directories, newspapers, heritage studies, and a list of names provided to the Bacchus Marsh and Moorabool Shire Councils, by the Bacchus Marsh and District Historical Society, as the basis for this list. We have concentrated on older street names at this stage. Abbreviated footnotes are provided for most entries. For full details of sources cited check the works listed in the Further Reading page. |
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We welcome additional information about the origin of any name listed.